the diagrams guy

Make better diagrams

We all know a picture tells a thousand words. Diagrams have been used throughout history to convey a meaning or tell a story, from early cave scratchings and Egyptian hieroglyphics to modern day classics like the London Underground map. The best diagrams are clear, concise and easy to understand. Diagrams matter a lot – are you making the most of yours?

Through workshops, tutorials and coaching, the diagrams guy evangelises good diagramming practices and helps you make the most of your diagrams through fundamental cognitive tools developed from his research and experience.

Better diagrams. Better for thinking. Better for explaining. Better for communicating.

Benefits of diagramming

Diagrams are used everywhere in business. To communicate strategy, to describe technical architectures, to make decisions, to understand complex topics, and to facilitate collective thought.

Have a think about the simple diagram to the left: Four examples featuring the same components are shown. Through different compositions, do their meanings change?

Not convinced about the importance of diagrams? Here are some articles which highlight their value in communication (1,2,3).

The diagrams guy supports better use of diagramming, and encourages effective behaviours through a blend of theory and practice.

Who is the diagrams guy?

The diagrams guy, Guy Marshall (MA (Cantab.) MSc CMath MIMA), is a seasoned Agile Coach and Cambridge Mathematician turned researcher. He is now applying his award winning AI diagrams research to industry, bringing his business expertise from working with some of the biggest household names in the UK and Europe, plus his diagrams research with the University of Manchester to help bridge the gap between business and theoretical research.

For further information and to understand how the diagrams guy can help you with your diagrams, you can contact him here or find him speaking about diagrams at conferences (including Agile 2022 and DIAGRAMS 2022)

Book a session

The diagrams guy offers three services.

(i) A one hour virtual consultation about your diagramming

(ii) A workshop and follow-up sessions to build team diagramming capability

(iii) In person lean-agile coaching, leading by example through extensive use of diagrams and mathematics

To book, please contact the diagrams guy.